Podcast with our Night Realm community members.
This podcast is about lucid dreaming techniques.
Podcast with our Night Realm community members.
This podcast is about lucid dreaming techniques.
I will explain to you how to write in your dream journal without writing for hours. What is a dream journal? A dream journal is your journal where you write your dream stories. A dream journal comes in many forms for example: A physical journal. The most known one is of course the physical journal….
Meditation can help you become lucid and give you more awareness and recall. My favorite way to practice lucid dreaming is by meditation and you don’t have to do this in the traditional way. How does lucid dreaming benefit from meditation? Lucid dreaming benefits from meditation a lot. In eastern practice, they have meditation practices…
Video tutorial of the MILD guide.
Everyone comes across those lucid dreaming myths. Telling you certain things that are completely fake. Sadly a lot of big media companies and YouTubers believe in some of them, and that makes this a lot harder to not believe in this. Sleep paralysis Sleep paralysis has a lot of myths and misconceptions. I will go…
Lucid dreaming is hard and you may fail, because you did something in this list wrong. The reasons that you are failing can be anything, that is why you have to read this list about the reasons why you are failing to lucid dream. 1. You are doing your reality checks wrong. Reality checks are…
There are no real dangers to lucid dreaming, and I will explain what a lucid dreams may cause. Want to know what lucid dreaming is? You can read my article about it. The dangers of lucid dreaming Lucid dreaming may cause problems, including: Less quality of sleep. When you experiment with lucid dreaming you can…