Get out of bed faster

If you want to know how to get out of bed faster, this article is for you. It will also show you how to make the next morning easier to face.

It is a cold winter morning.

The alarm is ringing. Your cozy bed is so warm …

Work, school, and your whole life are waiting for you, who have used your cell phone’s “nap” three times!

Method 1 – How to get out of bed faster?

Making mornings easier

1 – Avoid consuming caffeine and alcohol the night before.

Substances like coffee and alcoholic beverages stay in the body for a long time, between 3 and 8 hours approximately.

This can profoundly affect your ability to fall asleep and fall asleep, which will leave you groggy the next morning.

  • Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and at night so that your body is free of it when you go to sleep.
  • If you drink, do so in moderation and drink plenty of water together, as getting out of a hangover bed is twice as bad.

2 – Get enough sleep. Adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night, children need between 8 and 9 hours and babies need a lot more.

If you haven’t gotten enough sleep the night before, you will always feel tired when trying to wake up.

3 – Know your personal sleep cycle. Waking up in the middle of the R.E.M cycle of your sleep will leave you exhausted.

It is difficult to get out of bed when you have just fallen asleep.

Luckily, your body starts to wake up naturally several hours before you actually get out of bed, and if you can synchronize this process with your alarm clock, it will be much easier to get up.

To know your sleep pattern:

  • Set a specific time to go to sleep every night for two weeks. Do this at a time like your vacation, when you don’t have to wake up at a specific time in the morning.
  • Go to sleep at the same time each night, including weekends.
  • Record the moment you wake up, even before the alarm goes off.
  • Keep going to bed at the same time until you start waking up at a consistent time.
  • Count the hours between when you wake up and when you go to sleep and you will know how long your body’s natural sleep cycle takes. Start setting your alarm clock for a time that matches your natural wake-up call.

4 – Adjust your sleep cycle with daylight.

Even though our sleep pattern is genetic, it is possible to take several minor actions to make our body adapt to a new sleep pattern.

The number one trick is light. As daylight fades, our bodies start producing melatonin, which naturally makes us drowsy.

And when we see or feel the daylight in the morning, our bodies naturally wake up and stop the production of melatonin.

  • At night, dim the lights gradually. Do not leave your phone or notebook screen at full brightness before going to sleep, as the bright light inhibits the production of melatonin.
  • Open the curtains wide as soon as you put your feet on the floor. The sunlight tells the body that it is time to start the day.

5 – Continue with your sleep pattern on weekends as well.

Resist the urge to sleep more as it interrupts your natural sleep cycle and makes Monday even more difficult to wake up.

Your body expects to wake up at a certain time, but if you mess up these times frequently, you may have trouble sleeping and, therefore, getting out of bed on working days.

  • The more consistent your sleep routine is, the easier it will be to get out of bed.
  • Most humans can adjust only one hour a day of their sleep, so try to avoid drastic changes in bedtime.

6 – Prepare your morning the night before.

Leave a pair of slippers and a warm robe beside the bed, get the coffee ready to be ironed and organize your things to be more focused on waking up and not on the tasks you should be doing.

Just knowing that you only need to press the button to make the coffee makes a big difference when it comes time to get up.

Method 2 – How to get out of bed faster?

Getting out of bed in the morning

1 – Leave the alarm clock away from the bed.

Alarm clock WBTB

Force yourself to get out of bed to turn it off.

This way you will have no choice but to wake up and stop the noise and, since you are out of bed, it is much easier to continue with the morning routine.

  • Set your alarm clock to play restless music. Most cell phones can use any song for the alarm and many still use the radio to wake up.
  • If you still have problems, try to buy a natural light alarm instead of sounds.

2 – Drink a glass of water. Drinking water restores water lost during sleep with sweat and exhalation, which starts your metabolism faster and wakes your body up in the morning.

  • Leave a glass of water by the bed before bed and it will be ready for the morning.
  • Chewing citrus or mint-flavored gum can also wake your body faster.

3 – Stretch.

It has to be more than just stretching your back and yawning. Sit down and touch your toes, bring your knees to your chest, do a little

Yoga if it is really difficult to wake up.

Stretching circulates your blood through your body and even your brain, gradually waking you up.

  • Find exercises and stretches that work best for you and do them every morning.

4 – Cooldown.

One of the most common causes of drowsiness and drowsiness is body heat.

Like sleep, body heat decreases metabolism and mental capacity, so throw the covers away, take off a part of your clothes, or open the window when you need to get up.

  • Do this when you wake up, not when you go to sleep, as the cold prevents you from getting a good night’s sleep.

5 – Put water on your face.

It is abrupt but certainly efficient; for sure you will wake up quickly and be ready for the day.

Remember that it will not be very pleasant.

6 – Reward yourself for getting out of bed.

Rewarding yourself for getting out of bed at the right time can motivate you to start your day on the right foot.

The reward may be to watch the sunrise or to stay 20 minutes in absolute silence and peace before starting an eventful day.

7 – Plan your morning.

Think about what you have to do this morning and make a mental list of your tasks.

Most importantly, recognize why these tasks are important and why waking up early to perform them is necessary.

8 – Start doing something right away.

The more time you spend in bed gathering strength to get up, the harder it will be.

But if you have to do something to start the day, the temptation to stay in bed will be gone.

Make your bed, exercise, start preparing breakfast right away; anything to start the mind and get it ready for the morning.

• If you are still experiencing problems, start with an activity that you can do from bed, such as reading a book or answering your e-mails.


  • Waking up with someone, a roommate, brother, boyfriend, etc., can make it easier for both of you to get up on time.
  • Try to limit the number of times you hit the “snooze”, as falling asleep and waking up can leave you confused or dissatisfied with having to wake up. And let’s face it, this is a bad way to start the day.

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